Monday, March 10, 2014


Unfortunately, I haven't been at class for sometime! However apparently we learned about probability in class! I talked to a few friends and they sent me some definitions for the vocabulary we learned in class. I also did some looking at others blogs to find out what would help me understand this lesson best! Here's what I got !

Important Vocabulary
Independent events: the occurrence of one event has no effect on the occurrence of one event has no effect on the occurrence of the second event. Keyword: with replacement. 
Complement of an event: the probability that the event will not happen.

Mutually exclusive events
Two events A and B are mutually exclusive if A and B have no outcomes in common. The keyword is or. 

To find the probability that one or the other of two mutually exclusive events will occur, add the probabilities. 

Independent Events
To find the probability that two independent events will occur, multiply the probabilities.

Complement of an Event
If the probability of  A is P(A), the probability of the complement is 1-P(A).

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